Tuesday 23 March 2010

My first International trip

It was a normal day at our home, I was waiting for my husband for lunch. Never did I thought that he will come with a surprise with him. The first thing he said to me after entering is 'We have to go to South Korea-Suwon'. It was for his work purpose and for 3 months. I was in state of mixed emotions. As it was just 1 month of our wedding and I was going to miss being in India for sure. But the traveller inside me kind of said 'Wow!! '. We then began planning for the trip. It was easier for me as I had left my previous job due to wedding, relocation and all. And I was thinkin about searching another one. So the bottom line is I was free with no obligations. I was really excited as I researched more on Korea. First of all its a totally different place with different culture,language,habits(as in food as I'm a foodie). And never in my life I had thought I will go there anyday. So it was all new and refreshing.

The D day came soon, we had all our documents ready. We had planned to cook there as we were about to get a kitchen in our room at guest house. So we took all spices,masalas,pickle which we eat in our daily meal and wont get there. The first flight was till Hong Kong. And from there to Incheon, Korea. I was fascinated by the airport as it was very big and so much modern in its facilities. We had to catch the next flight after 2 hours. So my hubby and I just sat there looking at people passing by. We lost the count of time and soon there was announcement for our next flight. I was feeling a little bit down as we didn't get adjacent seats. But the helpful airhostess solved the problem and I enjoyed the flight till Incheon.

When we were flying over South Korea,we could see Islands covered in ice. And a very misty and cloudy day. I got excited as I had never seen so much ice before. My home town is in a place where we bear upto 45 C degrees in summer and the average temp would be around 35-40 C degrees. It was a nice change for me. When we came out of the airport I had a feeling as if someone is pricking me with icy cold pins. So was the wind outside. It was easily below 0 C degrees may be in negative. We got a bus ride from Incheon to our destination of Suwon. We enjoyed the journey seeing snow covered mountains, frozen lakes, white trees. Then finally we reached Suwon where our Guest house In charge came to pick us up. We stay at this Indian guest house and there is its resturant serving Indian food. So after the chill we were served hot and tasty meal in the Resturant after which we decided to call the day off and take some rest. Thats how we spend our 1st Valentine's day this year. Travelling into different time zones made the day a bit longer. So we got a looong Valentine's Day!

Incheon Airport Overview

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